The challenges facing our country continue to grow. Funding for the U.S. Census Bureau has been cut, reducing the likelihood of an accurate and representative count. The rightwing push to weaken unions has reduced labor’s ability to fund efforts that help low-income communities and people of color.
But some foundations are stepping up. “In response to this dangerous environment, smart philanthropic leaders will figure out how to play both offense and defense at the same time,” writes Aaron Dorfman, president of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP), for the group’s journal “Responsive Philanthropy.”
The summer issue of “Responsive Philanthropy” explores ways funders can respond to such challenges by featuring “important ideas that will help funders calibrate strategy to best support underserved communities and social justice movements,” Dorfman writes.
Philanthropy and the 2020 census: A once-in-a-decade chance to get it right
The 2020 census may seem like a long time away, especially with the more immediate challenges that seem to pop up every day. But Vanita Gupta, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and former head of the Civil Rights Division at the U.S. Department of Justice, says foundations must start putting resources into the 2020 census immediately, if they haven’t already started.
How should philanthropy respond to attacks on unions?
Rightwing attacks have reduced the power of labor unions, including their ability to support progressive causes, write Ludovic Blain, director of the California Donor Table, and Jim Araby, executive director of UFCW Western States Council. The authors list 10 ways foundations and donors can react.
What does winning look like for your organization in the current political environment?
Has today’s political climate caused U.S. nonprofits reevaluate how they define success? Eight of our nonprofit members share what a “win” looks like to them.
Funding transformation through racial healing
NCRP Vice President Jeanné Isler describes W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s racial healing program and why the foundation thinks it can transform the nation. The story takes a look at how partners in three cities – New Orleans, Dallas and Buffalo, New York – are implementing the program.
Pay it forward: A new way to fund grassroots LGBTQ organizing in the South
Rev. Jasmine Beach-Ferrara, executive director of the Campaign for Southern Equality, describes how her nonprofit supports grassroots LGBTQ organizing in the South by re-granting funds it receives. Beach-Ferrara urges more nonprofits to move resources to the frontlines.
Member Spotlight: Episcopal Health Foundation
The Episcopal Health Foundation, based in Houston, aims to transform all of Texas into “healthy communities.” The foundation “believes healthy communities are created when diverse people come together to develop community-driven, people-centered health systems.”
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