Is your foundation investing in a diversity of assets across the communities it serves? Does your organization struggle to get funding because of perceived capacity restraints?
In our first As the South Grows report, “As the South Grows: On Fertile Soil,” NCRP and Grantmakers for Southern Progress revealed five key Do’s and five key Don’ts for how foundations and donors can invest in existing capacity to build power in the communities they serve.
Love this graphic. Clear. Concise. Accessible. #asthesouthgrows
— Zee_like_zorro (@Zjlord) July 7, 2017
The second and latest As the South Grows report, “As the South Grows: Strong Roots” unveiled three additional Do’s and three additional Don’ts to help foundations and donors build wealth in local economies.
We hope the As the South Grows series inspires you to take a serious look at investing in wealth- and power-building in Southern communities.
#Lowcountry + coal country examined in this EXCELLENT report. We're so proud to be included!
— South Carolina Community Loan Fund (@SCCLF) June 27, 2017
National funding strategies must include the South #philanthropy #AstheSouthGrows #FundSouth | via @NCRP
— Schott Foundation for Public Education (@SchottFound) June 28, 2017
How can foundations support communities to build wealth that is protective of local culture? Read @NCRP report:
— Marguerite Casey Foundation (@CaseyGrants) June 30, 2017
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