Philamplify has struck a chord among so many of you. We appreciate the outpouring of support and encouragement.
I am pleased to share the newest Philamplify assessments, which examine Denver’s Daniels Fund and Los Angeles’ The California Endowment.
Both of these foundations are already doing important work on a broad range of issues. The California Endowment is pioneering a comprehensive approach to better health outcomes, and has already seen national results. The Daniels Fund is renowned for its scholarship program, which provides low-income students with educational opportunities.
As we highlight such effective approaches in grantmaking we also identify areas for improvement. Philamplify offers a holistic examination of operational practices and serves as inspiration for philanthropists who seek to successfully address critical community needs.
The California Endowment: How Can This Leading Health Equity Funder Bolster Its Community Impact?
In so many ways, The California Endowment practices the kind of philanthropy that is smart and strategic without losing focus on equity, justice and lasting positive change. But terrific as The Endowment is, our assessment, written by expert researcher Gita Gulati-Partee, suggests key recommendations for how it can boost its impact even more.
View this Philamplify video featuring Endowment grantee Khmer Girls Rising, exploring their work to create a positive educational environment for all Long Beach students:
The Daniels Fund: How Can This Colorado Funder Fuse Donor Vision with Community Needs for Greater Impact?
The Daniels Fund is one of the most important grantmakers in the Rocky Mountain region. The Philamplify assessment by NCRP senior research associate Kevin Laskowski offers recommendations that we believe will further help boost their impact on the many issues and places they care about.
View this Philamplify video featuring grantees Strive Prep and Rebuilding Together and the Daniels Fund’s impact on underserved students and low-income homeowners:
Breaking the Isolation Bubble
Sadly, sharing insight and knowledge doesn’t come naturally to foundations. With your participation and support, Philamplify breaks the isolation bubble to promote transparency and mutual accountability in philanthropy. We believe that by doing so, foundations can learn how to best address the issues they care about.
Check out now! Read the assessments, agree or disagree with our recommendations, take our poll and share pictures, videos and stories about how philanthropy has touched your life. Don’t forget, users always have the option to remain anonymous.
Imagine the impact on our communities when foundations get the feedback they need. You can help break the isolation bubble in philanthropy – share your insight with The California Endowment and Daniels Fund today.
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Aaron Dorfman is executive director of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP). Follow NCRP on Twitter (@ncrp) and join the #Philamplify conversation.