For Immediate Release
Foundations and Donors: It’s Time to Support Transformative Grassroots Work
NCRP journal offers insights on policy advocacy informed by the people it serves, 10 priority items for grantmakers, how funder collaboratives break issue silos
Washington, D.C. (10/08/2019) – As communities and grassroots organizations across the country continue to fight for equity and justice, many grantmakers and donors are looking for optimal ways to support them.
“Now is not the time for business as usual. Frontline activists and organizations across the country and the world continue to fight for dignity, security, inclusion and a thriving future for all,” wrote Aaron Dorfman, chief executive of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP).
The newly released October edition of “Responsive Philanthropy” offers grantmakers and philanthropists examples of ways they can align their giving and practices with these transformative efforts.
Philanthropy for change, not charity
Wes Moore, chief executive of Robin Hood, discusses why community-grounded policy efforts are essential in the foundation’s fight against poverty in New York City.
How philanthropy can help us be better as a nation
Rick Williams, chief executive of Sobrato Family Foundation, reflects on his 20 years in philanthropy and suggests 10 priority action items for the sector to help America reach its full potential.
The power of bridging issue silos through funding collaboratives
Unbound Philanthropy’s Taryn Higashi interviews Anita Khashu of Four Freedoms Fund, Bridgit Antoinette Evans of Pop Culture Collaborative and Aleyamma Mathew of Collaborative Fund for Women’s Safety and Dignity to discuss the role of cross-issue collaboratives and why they’re important for grantmaker impact.
Responsive Philanthropy articles are available at no cost on NCRP’s website.
About NCRP
For more than 40 years, the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy has been amplifying the voice of nonprofits and the communities they serve in the philanthropic sector. Through research and advocacy, it works to ensure that grantmakers and donors contribute to the creation of a fair, just and equitable world. For more information, visit
Peter Haldis, phaldis[at] or (202) 328-9351.
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