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For Immediate Release

May 2, 2018

NCRP Introduces the First Foundation Assessment Guide on Power and Privilege

‘Power Moves’ allows grantmakers to discover if practices and strategies help or hinder efforts to address equity and justice

Washington, D.C. (5/2/2018) – Foundation leaders and staff working to end inequity and injustice have access to a number of resources to enhance their impact on issues and communities they care about. These tools are important, but they provide only a partial picture of what’s working and what’s not. As a result, grantmakers may be missing opportunities to contribute to significant progress towards achieving ambitious goals.

Now grantmakers can conduct an assessment that takes into account the full picture of what it takes to have a true and lasting positive impact through Power Moves: Your essential philanthropy assessment guide for equity and justice by the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP).

“Power Moves” is the only self-assessment toolkit centered on the role of power and privilege in advancing equity. It will help funders solicit feedback from stakeholders to determine if they are:

  • Enabling equitable, long-term solutions instead of temporary fixes.
  • Earning the trust of peers, partners and the communities they serve.
  • Serving as a legitimate, powerful and relevant voice on issues they care about.

With “Power Moves,” foundations can explore how well they’re
leveraging their power to meet ambitious goals on equity and justice.

Released today, “Power Moves” helps grantmakers examine how well their practices and strategies build, share and wield power. It includes ready-to-use guides, insightful anecdotes and comprehensive resources for each dimension of power to help foundation board and staff meet ambitious goals on equity and justice

Power and equity: The missing link

Many grantmakers across the country are working to make all our communities safe, healthy and secure. But existing policies and practices are stacked against some populations.

“Power Moves” is based on the tough reality that lasting equitable outcomes are possible only when people and communities that traditionally don’t have power are given the ability to change the rules and help secure a thriving future.

“’Power Moves’ is the only  assessment guide that will help grantmakers of all sizes up their game by examining how well they are leveraging power in the fight for lasting, positive outcomes in all our communities,” said Aaron Dorfman, chief executive of NCRP, in a blog post. “If you’re a funder committed to advancing equity and justice, this guide will help you get the feedback you need to understand how you’re doing and to chart a course for how to improve.”

Power Moves invites you to explore three dimensions of power.

Power Moves is the only self-assessment guide that helps grantmakers examine how well they are building, sharing and wielding power to achieve goals on equity and justice.

With grantmakers, for grantmakers

“Power Moves” builds on extensive work by NCRP, CHANGE Philanthropy partners, foundations and other research and advocacy organizations.

Leading experts and practitioners from the philanthropic sector guided the development of the toolkit from beginning to end.

“Foundations confront multiple challenges in embracing effective, wise, responsible and relevant philanthropy. Power Moves can be a valuable asset in the hands of those who commit to that effort,” said Tom Lambeth, director emeritus at the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation and a member of the “Power Moves” advisory committee.

NCRP has brought together two groups of grantmakers and consultants who will apply and adapt Power Moves for their organizations and clients in the next year.

NCRP also will hold a series of free webinars to help funders explore how they can use the self-assessment guide to begin their journey towards responsibly and effectively using their power to respond to the pressing needs of our communities and today’s social movements.

The first “Power Moves” webinar on May 30 will feature Hanh Le of the Weissberg Foundation, Marcelo Bonta of The Raben Group and Gita Gulati-Partee of OpenSource Leadership Strategies.

“Power Moves” can be downloaded for free today from

About NCRP

The National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy amplifies the voice of nonprofits and the communities they serve in the philanthropic sector. Through research and advocacy, it works to ensure that grantmakers and donors contribute to the creation of a fair, just and equitable world. Learn more at


Media Contacts:

Yna Moore: (202) 557-1381 or

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