Although Atlanta is home to the largest charitable sector in the South, more support for grassroots activists in the city is needed, a report from the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy and Grantmakers for Southern Progress finds.
Based on data from 2010 to 2014, the report, As the South Grows: Bearing Fruit (36 pages, PDF), found that despite the city’s booming economy and progressive reputation, low-income communities of color are being left behind, with just over 20 percent of philanthropic funding in the city going to economically disadvantaged communities (12 percent), people of color (5.14 percent), women (4 percent), immigrants (0.3 percent), LGBTQ individuals (0.05 percent), and other underserved communities. During that five-year period, only 2 percent of foundation funding in Atlanta supported policy change and power-building strategies.
Read the entire article in Philanthropy News Digest.
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