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The message of the first report in a planned “As the South Grows” series on giving in the Deep South has been repeated so many times, we figure something has to be getting in the way of its being heard. So, we are going to start with one of its charts, showing the disparity in per capita grantmaking between the Alabama Black Belt and the Mississippi Delta and the rest of the United States.

The National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP) and Grantmakers for Southern Progress at the Neighborhood Funders Group (GSP) teamed up to produce As the South Grows: On Fertile Soil. Its premise and overall point is that the Deep South has been neglected by philanthropy, particularly as regards investments in grassroots power-building, the very activity arguably most likely to shift entrenched political dynamics. But, as the report points out, the efforts are there to be funded.

Read the entire article.

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