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#6 – NCRP’s executive director, Aaron Dorfman releases video footage of how difficult it can be to get an appointment with foundation executives. Philamplify, which is a project of NCRP, produced a report criticizing the opacity of the Hess Foundation and challenging it to evolve beyond “transaction philanthropy.” The only problem is they had no way to actually make sure the foundation ever saw the written report. You can watch the video to see the lengths to which Dorfman went to try and deliver the unsolicited advice. But the reason this is a highlight and not a lowlight is that the video and Philamplify have a sphere of influence beyond just the foundation in question, and it served as a cautionary tale here to others about why the “don’t call us, we’ll call you” approach in philanthropy is part of the problem and not a solution.

Read the full article here.

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