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A Note From The Author:

SPECIAL THANKS TO JACQUI PATTERSON, GLORIA WALTON, ANGELA MAHECHA, MIYA YOSHITANI AND HOLLY BAKER. Their experiences and stories are the foundation of this case study. The purpose of documenting this case study was not to get mired in the individual stories or organizational roles but rather to extrapolate the lessons of how philanthropy can move forward in a meaningful way. At the same time, the outcomes and learnings of this example would not have been possible without these grassroots leaders’ vision and labor.

Thanks to Chris Landry for his support in developing the narrative and editing. Thanks to Samantha Harvey, members of the Regenerative Economies Organizing Collaborative (REO) and the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP) for their input and support in developing this case study. As our dear friends at Movement Generation say, “Transition is inevitable, justice is not.” Thank you to all the grassroots leaders connected to this story who continue to organize and contest for transformative solutions.