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When ordinary residents participate in the democratic process, society as whole benefits. In New Mexico, tens of thousands of people are getting involved in civic life and improving their communities. These individuals are part of a growing movement of nonprofits and community institutions that organize and advocate for residents who long have been shut out of decision making on issues that affect them. Together, they are reweaving the social fabric and achieving broad community-wide impacts.

This report is the first in a series to be produced in regions around the country over the coming years. It demonstrates that in New Mexico, local and state organizations leveraged foundation resources to secure billions of dollars in benefits for New Mexicans. The groups also brought large numbers of lower-income people, native Americans, Latinos, African Americans, immigrants, farmers, women, youth and others into public life, developing their leadership skills and their capacity to organize and advocate for change. The monetary impacts and increased civic participation benefit all of New Mexico, helping state and local governments and other institutions more effectively support and strengthen individuals and communities.