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Thank you to all the organizations who lent their visuals for this report, including Church World Service, the National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC), the Undocublack Network, Comunidades Indigenas en Liderazgo (Cielo), and Organizacion Latina de Trans en Texas (OLTT).

Thank you to all NCRP staff and allies who provided valuable feedback on every aspect of this report up until publishing and to Kait Grable Gonzalez and Alex Hudson at M+R for all their help in getting this report out onto social media.

NCRP would also like to thank the following people for sharing their time and insight early in the research process. Your wisdom made this report so much stronger.

Basma Alawee
Greisa Martínez Rosas
Lian Cheun
Ola Osaze
Sheila Bapat
Xiomara Corpeno

Finally, NCRP cannot do our work without the wisdom, strength, and organizing of our nonprofit members. We especially want to thank the following members for their ongoing commitments in the pro-immigrant, pro-refugee movement:

Advancement Project
African Communities Together, Inc.
Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice
Alliance for Youth Organizing
Capital & Main
Catalyst California (formerly Advancement Project California)
Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA)
Community Change
Ethnic Minorities of Burma Advocacy and Resource Center
Florida Immigrant Coalition Inc
Gamaliel Foundation
Green 2.0
IAF Northwest
Jobs with Justice Education Fund
Khmer Girls in Action
LA Voice
Legal Aid Justice Center
Louisiana Organization for Refugees and Immigrants
National Partnership for New Americans
Refugee Congress
Southeast Immigrant Rights Network
Tennessee Justice Center
United Stateless
United We Dream Network
Virginia Coalition for Immigrant Rights
Virginia Organizing
Welcoming America

Written principally by NCRP staff members Jennifer Amuzie, Ben Barge, Spencer Ozer, and Stephanie Peng, with additional editing by Elbert Garcia and Timi Gerson. Data collection and analysis conducted by Spencer Ozer and Stephanie Peng. 

 All graphics were designed in-house by NCRP’s Research team of Katherine Ponce, Spencer Ozer, Stephanie Peng, and Ryan Schlegel.

Professional copyediting services provided by Elizabeth Rinehart.