Andrus Family Fund
New York, NY
Leticia Peguero, Executive Director
Focuses on changing outcomes for youth affected by juvenile justice systems.
Akonadi Foundation*
Oakland, CA
Quinn Delaney, Founder and President
Addresses the harm of systemic marginalization and criminalization on youth of color while creating the opportunity for all young people to thrive.
New York, NY
Bob Alotta, Executive Director
Supports organizations and campaigns working for systemic change and resisting the criminalization of LGBTQI lives.
Common Counsel Foundation
Oakland, CA
Sangeeta Chowdhry, Executive Director
Supports movement building and grassroots groups, with a focus on influencing public policy and corporate accountability.
The Criminal Justice Initiative
New York, NY/Northampton, MA
Aleah Bacquie Vaughn, Executive Director
Funds and nurtures grassroots activism led by formerly incarcerated people working to transform the criminal justice system in the United States.
David Rockefeller Fund
New York, NY
Lukas Haynes, Executive Director
Supports organizations that advocate for prison reform and nonprofits that provide pre- and post-release services.
Ford Foundation*
New York, NY
Darren Walker, President
Ford’s Civil and Criminal Justice Systems program gives marginalized populations access to a robust criminal justice community committed to fairness and equal protection under the law.
NEO Philanthropy
New York, NY
Michele Lord and Berta Colón, Co-Presidents
The National Campaign to Reform State Juvenile Justice Systems works to change juvenile justice policies to enhance public safety, improve outcomes for youth and reduce taxpayer costs.
*Philanthropy’s Promise Signatory
Open Society Foundations*
New York, NY
Christopher Stone, President
On an international scale, promotes new alliances for criminal justice reform, develops alternatives to pretrial detention and expands access to competent legal representation.
2015 NCRP Impact Awardee
Women Donors Network
San Francisco, CA
Donna P. Hall, President and CEO
WDN’s Criminal (In)Justice Circle identifies, strengthens and invests in a broad network of organizations working to fundamentally change the unjust criminal justice system.
*Philanthropy’s Promise Signatory